• Question: What is the most important science-related issue?

    Asked by biologybrain to Jo, Mark, timcraggs on 24 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joanna Buckley

      Joanna Buckley answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Hiya biologybrain 🙂

      Oooh, I would say curing diseases. I know that’s a broad subject area and I think that solving the world’s energy crisis is very important but so many people die of illnesses which scientists are trying to cure.

      I, for example, am trying to save people who have hospital superbugs such as MRSA. Thousands of people every year die from this and I think it’s so important that cures for diseases are found as soon as possible.

    • Photo: Mark Lancaster

      Mark Lancaster answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Providing sufficient energy for us to exist – everything requires energy and in a world where the population has doubled in the past 50 years and where oil and gas etc are anticipated to run out in 50-100 years then this really is the most pressing problem.

    • Photo: Tim Craggs

      Tim Craggs answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Hi BiologyBrain,

      Good question. There are so many important issues. I think climate change must come near the top of the list, understanding this is really important to the future of our world.
