• Question: what is a black hole??

    Asked by doogle to Donna, Jo, Mark, Stuart, timcraggs on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by kkfbmm, foweller, bexh96.
    • Photo: Donna MacCallum

      Donna MacCallum answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Apparently, a black hole is an area of space which has become deformed due to a large mass, and from which nothing can escape – not even light! Of course, if light cannot escape, then it will look black!

      Are you interested in space?

    • Photo: Joanna Buckley

      Joanna Buckley answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Hiya doodle! A black hole is a region in space or a body of matter which is so massive, no light can get out. They’re difficult to see because space is black and a black hole is, err… well… black.

      You can still see things on the outside. The light from the things on the outside can still reach you. No one on the outside can see you, of course, since the light from you can’t escape out so you can shout as loud as you want but no one will see you 🙁

    • Photo: Mark Lancaster

      Mark Lancaster answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Technically a singularity in space and time; in reality it is what formed when a massive star (at least 10x mass of the sun) runs out of fuel (which removes the outward pressure) and it collapses under gravity to something that has such a large gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from it

    • Photo: Tim Craggs

      Tim Craggs answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      A star that has imploded (sort of the opposite of exploded!) creating an object of very high mass in a very small space, with a gravitational field that nothing can escape!
