• Question: are there more female scientists than male

    Asked by zzzape3 to Jo on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joanna Buckley

      Joanna Buckley answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Well, zzzape3, I’m a chemist and there’s more men than women at the University I work in. My boyfriend has a PhD in Physics and that was even worse… there were only 2 women in one year and about 30 men! This sounds like some girls idea of heaven! Engineering is even worse. In the 28 countries in Europe surveyed, we had the lowest population of women engineering. Now that’s really bad.

      Biology and environmental science on the other hand, seem to be different. In my experience there seems to be a few more women than men.

      It’s a shame that some sciences are seen to be male dominated. It doesn’t bother me as I’ve not met many male chauvinists yet! 🙂
